Market manager App

Market manager App

Market manager App




Product Design, UXR & Part PM role


B2B Field agents


1+ Year ( 2022-23)

Market manager App
Market manager App
Market manager App


Create a platform for Udaan's Market Managers to effectively manage business tasks for micro-markets.

Note : MM serves as the bridge between Udaan and Shops, ensuring there's always someone available for any business-related needs of shopkeepers and udaan.

A little bit of background

User research & day in the life of Market manager

Throughout the process, we maintained a cycle of research, field visits, and continuous iteration. For competitor analysis, we referenced wholesale distributor apps like Jumbotail, Jiomart, Saavn, Phramarack, Mahaveer, and others to understand baseline working models.

Design approach

Early on, we recognised the importance of viewing it as a platform rather than just adding features, despite some stakeholders pushing for that. With the product and process in constant iterations, we adjusted our approach

Approach & Workflows

We broke down the workflows and worked on most critical ones to solve first and iterate on this.

Time for Design :D

As the MM project is extensive, our case study will spotlight a few scenarios to provide an overview of its application and scope.

Homepage page evolution

Some glimpses of the workflows and iterations done part of the experience

Shop page evolution with credit information

Through multiple iterations on the shop page and credit system, we have successfully addressed several challenges. These improvements have enhanced our credit collection process and enabled 12% improvement in credit collection.

Closing notes

In the media : Article 1, Article 2 , Article 3 & a short video about Micro markets


Create a platform for Udaan's Market Managers to effectively manage business tasks for micro-markets.

Note : MM serves as the bridge between Udaan and Shops, ensuring there's always someone available for any business-related needs of shopkeepers and udaan.

A little bit of background

User research & day in the life of Market manager

Throughout the process, we maintained a cycle of research, field visits, and continuous iteration. For competitor analysis, we referenced wholesale distributor apps like Jumbotail, Jiomart, Saavn, Phramarack, Mahaveer, and others to understand baseline working models.

Design approach

Early on, we recognised the importance of viewing it as a platform rather than just adding features, despite some stakeholders pushing for that. With the product and process in constant iterations, we adjusted our approach

Approach & Workflows

We broke down the workflows and worked on most critical ones to solve first and iterate on this.

Time for Design :D

As the MM project is extensive, our case study will spotlight a few scenarios to provide an overview of its application and scope.

Homepage page evolution

Some glimpses of the workflows and iterations done part of the experience

Shop page evolution with credit information

Through multiple iterations on the shop page and credit system, we have successfully addressed several challenges. These improvements have enhanced our credit collection process and enabled 12% improvement in credit collection.

Closing notes

In the media : Article 1, Article 2 , Article 3 & a short video about Micro markets


Create a platform for Udaan's Market Managers to effectively manage business tasks for micro-markets.

Note : MM serves as the bridge between Udaan and Shops, ensuring there's always someone available for any business-related needs of shopkeepers and udaan.

A little bit of background

User research & day in the life of Market manager

Throughout the process, we maintained a cycle of research, field visits, and continuous iteration. For competitor analysis, we referenced wholesale distributor apps like Jumbotail, Jiomart, Saavn, Phramarack, Mahaveer, and others to understand baseline working models.

Design approach

Early on, we recognised the importance of viewing it as a platform rather than just adding features, despite some stakeholders pushing for that. With the product and process in constant iterations, we adjusted our approach

Approach & Workflows

We broke down the workflows and worked on most critical ones to solve first and iterate on this.

Time for Design :D

As the MM project is extensive, our case study will spotlight a few scenarios to provide an overview of its application and scope.

Homepage page evolution

Some glimpses of the workflows and iterations done part of the experience

Shop page evolution with credit information

Through multiple iterations on the shop page and credit system, we have successfully addressed several challenges. These improvements have enhanced our credit collection process and enabled 12% improvement in credit collection.

Closing notes

In the media : Article 1, Article 2 , Article 3 & a short video about Micro markets

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